Chairman of the Bored
Is the productivity of your office increasing? Do your employees like to come to work? Do your customer-facing associates put on a “happy face” and provide pleasant services? If not, you may have a moral problem.
Like it or not, the attitudes of your employees have a direct impact on your bottom line. The economic climate of the past few years forced many companies into survival mode and most employees were just happy to have a job. This “forced” loyalty is understandable, but it is not long lasting.
It is getting to the time where you need to get your workforce reengaged. If you have been doing a good job communicating with your workforce (this is a subject of a different Navigator), they may understand why their pay or benefits were cut. They may also understand why there are less of them and why their individual workloads have skyrocketed. None of these necessities are motivational in their effects.
Gary Drypen is the President of Inland Seas Executive Consulting, Inc., a firm specializing in assisting companies bringing excellence to all areas of their operations. Visit them at