Who Can Tell

Who Can Tell

In recent years there has been a surge in popularity in the game of poker, particularly of the Texas Hold’em variety.   There are major tournaments played and the pros can be seen almost daily on the cable channels.  What does poker have to do with purchasing?  In some sense both of these disciplines involve negotiation.
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It’s a Matter of Time

This article addresses a few matters pertaining to consultants.  Why do you need one and how do you select the right firm? There is a saying which is frequently heard in the business world which pokes fun at people in my profession. It goes something like this: “When you ask a consultant for the time
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Chairman of the Bored

Is the productivity of your office increasing?  Do your employees like to come to work?  Do your customer-facing associates put on a “happy face” and provide pleasant services?  If not, you may have a moral problem. Like it or not, the attitudes of your employees have a direct impact on your bottom line.   The economic
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“Corpus omne perseverare in status suo quiesendi vel movendi uniformiter in directum, nisi quatenus illud a viribus impressis cogitur statum suum mutare” The above quotation is from the renowned Principia by Sir Isaac Newton and describes his first law of motion. Translated, the sentence reads: “A body at rest or in a state of uniform
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